Sports Massage: What Makes It Unique?

Sports Massage Greenville SC

Massage therapy is a $16+ billion industry. Revenue will keep rising beyond 2023 by 4% a year. And there’s a reason for that. Sports massage is quickly becoming a part of people’s health and wellness routines. What Is a Sports Massage? The definition is deep tissue massage that can help athletes perform at their best. […]

Difference between Clinical Massage and Spa Massages

Deep Tissue Therapy

Clinical Massage vs Spa Massage. A common misconception regarding massage therapy is that it can use all its techniques in all situations. Massages for various reasons, the most common being clinical massage and wellness massage. Also known as Clinical Massage Therapy, aims primarily to achieve a specific, predetermined result. Clinical massage therapy is usually for […]

What is Massage Therapy?

Deep Tissue Massage Greenville SC

What is Massage Therapy? In the past, high-end spas and gyms were the only places that offered massages. Some considered it a luxury for the rich. Massage therapy is widely used as an essential tool for promoting physical and mental well-being. Massage is a term for pressing, rubbing, or manipulating skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments […]

What is Hot Stone Massage Therapy?


What is hot stone massage therapy: A hot stone massage is a massage therapy treatment. It relaxes and soothes tightened muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout the body. During the therapy, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific body parts. The stone that retains heat is basalt, a type of volcanic rock. The University […]

What is a Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage in Greenville SC

What is a Deep Tissue Massage? A treatment that realigns deep layers of connective and muscle tissue to release chronic tension patterns in the body. With a deep tissue massage, deep finger pressure and slow strokes follow the fiber of your muscles, fascia, and tendons to provide relief.  This massage technique typically uses more pressure […]